What is Web 2.0?

The workshop was given at Clearpoint Elementary on May 12, 2010. The idea behind the workshop was to introduce Web 2.0 technologies to LBP teachers and professionals. Since the topic is so broad after an overview and discussion we proceeded to create a blog (using Kidblog) and a website (using Weebly).

I tried to make the case that we need to start using these tools with our students ASAP.  We also need to  show/teach/model how these tools are to be used appropriately both in and outside the classroom. We discussed cell phones, RSS feeds, YouTube and Facebook.

Web 2.0 Tools To Use

The challenge in using Web 2.0 technologies in the classroom is that there dozens of possibilities. For beginners this may be overwhelming however, the trick is to pick a couple of applications that you will integrate into your everyday teaching practices. Pick one or two tools that make sense for you and your classroom. It is better to do a couple of things really well and in depth; rather than picking tools that you can't get a handle on, as this just adds stress to your regular teaching day.
To help you manage your online information you should start using RSS feeds and social book marking right away. With your students you need to decide if it's better for them to:
create a blog, a wiki, a podcast, a class website or a class social networking site. The possibilities are endless. Just start with one!! 

August 10, 2012th workshop update: I would probably use Twitter with Bit.ly instead of RSS feeds and social booking marking. 

Books Mentionned

Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts by Will Richardson provides an excellent overview of how to use and integrate web 2.0 technologies in your day to day teaching. Here's the table of contents of the book, the introduction, and feel freee to look inside the book. This if probably the first book I would read if I wanted to get a handle on the new technologies.  Here's Amazon link to the 3rd edition.


Student-Powered Podcasting: Teaching for 21st-Century Literacy by Christopher Shamburg provides an excellent overview of how to make students 'content creators'. "The podcasting projects in this book connect real-world applications, student interest, and powerful ideas for a variety of grades and subjects."  Here's the table of contents and a chapter excerpt . This book is a must read and buy! 

Resources to use with your students

Here's the links to tools and materials:

Twitter with Bit.ly instead of RSS feeds and social booking marking. 

RSS Feeds ~ Google Reader, Newsgator, RSS Bandit
Social bookmarking ~ Delicious, Diigo
Blogs ~ Kidblog, Edublogs
Wikis ~ Wikispaces
Website ~ Weebly, Yola
Social Networking ~ Ning

© Sam Bruzzese 2022